Mythic Mapping

Expand Your Intuitive Side

At a Mythic Mapping Class with

Pat Banzhoff, Shaman

Everyone has intuition in one form or another. This class is an opportunity while having fun, to learn and practice some tools to notice and “get” signs for our personal illumination or to assist others.

Mythic Mapping. What is that?

We see signs. Literally. Like STOP. At an intersection, and we do (or at least slow down).

Mostly signs come in metaphor. Where something we hear or see is more than that. Like when I pulled out a root in my garden and the thought pops into my head that I am “rooting out” a habit personally, privately, and definitely unwanted. And I laugh at the sudden, unexpected intention while feeling empowered by the action that is serving me more than the initial overt action. And it is everyday stuff.

Text (717) 514-5177 or email me at to reserve your spot.

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