Author Archives: admin

Shall We Dance? – Dancing on the Edge of Discomfort

I am at Week One – Day Two of an online retreat, led by Christine Valters Paintner, an amazing Benedictine Abbess. She resides in a monastery in Galway, Ireland ( and teaches online. This course is called “A Midwinter God … Continue reading

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The Puzzle and the Vision Board – January 2013

So now it’s January and I do two special things. I put together a puzzle that family members give me at Christmas, and I complete a Vision Board. This year, as I play with both, I see they are the … Continue reading

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How I Spent 12/21/12

By all accounts, December 21, 2012 was a very special day. I heard many versions of the significance. Of course, I heard the “end of the world” highly-touted version but I didn’t give that one the time of day. I … Continue reading

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Welcome to All New Subscribers!

Thanks for joining my blog, Dave

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I am a Shaman

So What’s a Shaman? I am not sure I can describe it. I can just tell you what I do. I notice things. My personal practice first and foremost is to be grounded as well as connected to Spirit (by … Continue reading

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