The Puzzle and the Vision Board – January 2013

So now it’s January and I do two special things. I put together a puzzle that family members give me at Christmas, and I complete a Vision Board. This year, as I play with both, I see they are the same exercise.

This year’s puzzle is a mystery puzzle. There is a short story to set the stage with clues imbedded within it. The puzzle itself is not as the picture appears on the box front (things are not as they appear on the surface?). So putting the puzzle together is an exercise in discovery. There are dark places that are difficult to determine how they fit together and where they go. Those pieces all look alike. I just sit at it, not knowing the outcome, and just put it together piece by piece, trusting that I have all the pieces I need.

And I began my Vision Board. I put on the board pictures of what I want to attract in my life for the coming year. Like my puzzle, some pieces are easy to put together, while others I trust that eventually the pieces will fall into place, all in perfect timing. The items on the board come from words or pictures in magazines that I simply like. Other pieces I have a preplanned thought about what I want to include – pictures of the family, my new beautiful business logo, my horse – because I am honoring them as a part of my life. I left a lot of open space as yet, for two reasons. First nothing else that I came across looked or felt like I wanted it on my board. The bigger reason as I sat with it was that it felt like I needed to be “open” in a big way to who I am and am becoming.

Do you want to know the exciting rest of the story? Well, it is two days after starting the vision board and I received a text and an email from two different people inviting me to take a step in directions that were dormant pieces for me. I have been presented with the unexpected opportunities for fun and learning and using my talents just a little beyond my comfort zone. I am reminded of a quote, “Life begins beyond your comfort zone.”

Today is a day juicy with life

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